Saturday, August 16, 2014

freedom! 17.08

If I love someone I am grateful and his freedom remains intact.
It is not given by me.
It is his birthright, and my love cannot take it away.
How can love take somebody's freedom away, particularly the person i love?
I cannot even say, "I give freedom to him."
Who am I in the first place? – Just a stranger.
We both have met on the road, by the way, accidentally, and he was gracious to accept my love.
Just be thankful, and let him live the way he wants to live, and live the way myself want to live.
My life-style should not be interfered with.

This is what freedom is!
Then love will help me to be less tense, less full of anxieties, less in anguish, and more in joy.


*thanks to osho

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

chick-lit: menikah itu pilihan

Seorang laki-laki dan seorang wanita yang telah berteman cukup lama terlibat dalam suatu pembicaraan tentang pernikahan...

"Saya juga mau menikah, saya hanya belum menemukan orang yang tepat saja."
"Mungkin karena kamu terlalu picky, kamu punya semua hal yang dicari wanita, jadi seharusnya tidak susah menemukan satu untuk dinikahi."

"Oh, kalau picky iya.. semua orang pasti punya preference, saya pun begitu."
"Ah, coba kamu kasih tau seperti apa wanita yang ingin kamu nikahi."

Dia menatap ke arah teman wanita nya…

"Kalau kamu single, saya sudah lamar kamu dari kemaren."

Sejenak hening… lalu mereka tertawa terbahak-bahak bersama.